A fun little experiment, inspired by our recent trip to Brussels, Belgium for the BXL BeerFest! First we rounded up all the usual suspects you’d find in a new American IPA; Pils, Pale and Oat malts, Flaked Oats and Crystal-15 layered with a plethora of hops incuding Mosaic, Citra, Simcoe, Cascade and Amarillo. To change things up we fermented it with our favorite Belgian yeast strain and utilized a process known as Biotransformation, this simply means we added half of our dry hops at the start of fermentation so the yeast can transform the hop oils into completely different compounds, creating different flavors and aromas. After fermentation is finished we dry hop with the second half for a more traditional approach and the result is unlike any other Belgian IPA we’ve ever tasted. Notes of cinnamon bark, rose water, wildflowers, strange tropical fruits, bergamot and a whole lotta love. 6.8% ABV.