The inspiration for Virgin Islands Pale Ale came when the beer’s creators, Kevin Chipman and Chirag ’Cheech’ Vyas, began home brewing on the island of St. John. Unsatisfied with the choices of mass produced, bland, watered down beer, the two set out to brew ales that had smoother flavors and a distinct hop finish. After brewing several batches of quality American and European style beers they developed a recipe that captured the essence and taste of the Caribbean. The finished brew, a light ale with a subtle exotic fruit nose and mild hop finish, is the ideal flavor for our tropical climate. Virgin Islands Pale Ale was born. Having created a perfect island ale recipe, the two would like to share their new brew with the Virgin Islands and its visitors. Whether you are enjoying a sunset, celebrating an island happy hour, or having a relaxing dinner, Virgin Islands Pale Ale is the refreshing beer to enjoy any moment. 4.5% ABV.